World Wide Web Walkout

We are On Strike
Jan 18th 2012

World Wide Web Walkout Protest BannerWorld Wide Web Walkout Protest BannerWorld Wide Web Walkout Protest Banner

In support of freedom of information we at are on Strike.
In protest of the counter productive and oppressive
SOFA / PIPA censorship in the US and the Crime Bill Bill C10 in Canada, our Site is On Strike for 24 hours.

We are joining a huge cast of web sites in a day of protest against the progressively disturbing degradation of our rights. Our civil liberties and now freedom of information is under threat more than ever.

The www has been an integral instrument in uniting, informing and empowering humanity to the atrocities that take place before what was our unseeing eyes.

Sites and organizations like Youtube, Avaaz, Wikileaks, many Independent Media, Scientists, Journalists and Bloggers have been fundamental tools in liberating and uniting humanity on the world wide web. In giving the global community the knowledge to empower ourselves we are taking back the reins of our health, our planet and our rights from the private interests that are destroying everything for profit.

Knowledge is Power

No longer will natural cures for disease be suppressed for pharmaceutical profits. Alternative energy and scientific breakthroughs will no longer be gagged by war and oil profiteers. Human rights violations no longer kept secret. Bias, industry owned media now gives way to truth. No longer are our lives, food, health, rights, and knowledge at the mercy of corporate profits. Humanity has the tool to empower each other by make informed conscientious decisions that protect our lives and our future.

Now US and Canadian politicians are working hard on behalf of corporate profits once again to destroy it.

We Stand with Humanity for Humanity.

Keep Canada Safe

"Our Senators are under massive pressure from Prime Minister Harper to rubber stamp the cruel Crime Bill fast,
but their job is to give it a serious “sober second thought”.
Send an urgent message to your province's Senators, asking them to rise above partisan politics,
look at the evidence, and make Canada safer, not meaner."

Stop American Censorship

"Congress is about to pass internet censorship, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed.
They need to kill the bill - PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House - to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity."


Sorry for the Inconvenience. We will be back shortly.